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Glass Animals

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Liebe Fans,
das Konzert von Glass Animals am 04.08.2018 in Leipzig muss leider abgesagt werden.
Leider ereilte uns eine traurige Nachricht. Joe, der Drummer der Band erlitt einen tragischen Verkehrsunfall.
Wir sind in Gedanken bei Joe und hoffen auf eine vollkommene und schnelle Genesung!
Dies sind die persönlichen und sehr emotionalen Worte seines besten Kumpels und Bandkamerdaden Dave:
"Dear all,
last monday my best friend, and our drummer joe was hit by a truck while on his bike here in dublin. his leg was broken on impact and he became tangled in the truck’s trailer where his skull suffered a complex fracture. miraculously and thankfully, he is alive. after a couple long operations he is now on the road to recovery. It’s going to be a long, difficult, and winding road, but knowing how determined joe is, and seeing how much his body has recovered already in the past 7 days, i am so optimistic that he will make it back to his cheeky old self.

this past week joe has been under general anaesthetic twice. first for neurosurgery and second for his leg. the neurosurgery consisted of reshaping part of his skull that had collapsed and been compressed into the brain by the weight of the truck’s trailer. the operation was successful, but the collapsed skull had bruised and damaged the area of the brain responsible for speech. initially joe was only able to get out one word…‘i’….but each day he is finding more. As far as we know so far, no other areas of his brain are severely damaged like this. he can still wiggle his fingers and twinkle his toes, and he still laughs at all my shit jokes, and demands we wake him up so he can watch the world cup while feed him ice cream and grapes.
it wasn’t safe for him to go directly into his leg surgery after his brain op, but a couple days ago he was given the go-ahead by the consultants. he now has a titanium pin holding two halves of his femur together....basically he is now wolverine.
we are very sorry to say that, because of all of this, we will be cancelling our remaining shows this year. joe’s injuries are highly unlikely to heal in time to make any of them. i wish more than anything that this accident hadn’t happened and that joe was ok and that we would still be coming to hang with you all, but life has thrown something horribly sad and unexpected at us, and we need to do everything in our power to conquer it and get joe back on his feet. i sincerely hope you understand. we will be back as soon as we can, and stronger than ever.

all my love, dave”


Das am 26.08 erschienene zweite Album der Glass Animals “How To Be A Human Being” ist wie ein Notizbuch, ein Tagebuch und Stickeralbum, das all die Erfahrungen sammelt, welche die Band in den letzten Jahren unterwegs auf Tour gesammelt hat, die Eindrücke von und Erinnerungen an Menschen und Orte auf der ganzen Welt. Viele Ideen zu Texten hat Sänger Dave aus Audioschnipseln, die auf seinem Handy gespeichert sind. Wie ein umherreisender Reporter dokumentiert er Gesprächsfetzen in den unterschiedlichsten Situationen. “I try to sneakily record people, and I have hours and hours of these amazing rants from taxi drivers, strange people we met outside of shows, people at parties. People say the strangest shit when they don’t think they’re ever gonna see you again.” Aus den Voice Notes entsprangen Ideen für Charaktere, die Dave ähnlich weiterentwickelte, wie es wohl ein Drehbuchautor tun würde: “I’d obsess over what they ate, where they lived, what their furniture looked like, what they wore,” lacht er.
Mitte Mai stellten die Glass Animals ihre Single “Life Itself” vor, die den Buzz um die Band erneut entfachte. Der Track ist immersiv, exotisch und schlägt den band-typischen Weg tief ins Dickicht abseits der bekannten Wege ein. Ein Song der die Glass Animals nach ihrem sensationellen Aufstieg direkt zurück in den Fokus der Aufmerksamkeit rückte.
Ihr erstes Album “Zaba” (2014), das Caroline ebenso wie das neue Album zusammen mit Paul Epworths Label Wolf Tone veröffentlicht, hat sich weltweit mittlerweile über eine halbe Million mal verkauft und verzeichnet mit seinen Songs unglaubliche 200 Millionen Plays allein bei Spotify. Die Shows des Quartetts aus Oxford mussten auch in Deutschland regelmäßig in größere Clubs verlegt werden. Die Glass Animals begeisterten beim Coachella, Lollapalooza oder beim Glastonbury nicht weniger als vor ausverkauften Häusern in Los Angeles mit 2000 Leuten im Wiltern oder dem New Yorker Terminal 5 vor 3000 Fans.

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